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This learning cycle is a sequence of activities that develop novice teachers’ understanding and skill with eliciting and interpreting individual students’ thinking. Pedagogies have been selected to fit novices’ likely level of experience as they are first introduced to a new practice, then prepare to enact it, enact it, and analyze their enactment (McDonald, Kazemi, and Kavanagh, 2013; Lampert et al., 2013).

Select a quadrant below to view related activities:
Novices investigate sources pertaining to colonial America then watch classroom videos of teachers who elicit and interpret individual students thinking about these sources. Novices also pay attention to student thinking and ideas.
This part of the learning cycle breaks eliciting and interpreting individual student thinking into its component parts: listening to students, probing student thinking, and responding to their ideas.
Novices try eliciting and interpreting individual student thinking by conducting a think-aloud with historical photographs. Novices select sources in Assignment A, while Assignment B provides sources that are images as a scaffold.
Novices analyze their efforts to elicit and interpret individual students’ thinking by watching their teaching with peers then reflecting on their own practice as the second part of the assignment.
Activity 1
Working with Maps
Activity 2
Examining Historical Images
Decomposing Eliciting and Interpreting Individual Students' Thinking in Social Studies

For more information about the learning cycle

Lampert, M., Franke, M. L., Kazemi, E., Ghousseini, H., Turrou, A. C., Beasley, H., Cunard, A., & Crowe, K. (2013). Keeping it complex: Using rehearsals to support novice teacher learning of ambitious teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(3), 226-243.

McDonald, M., Kazemi, E., & Kavanagh, S. S. (2013). Core practices and pedagogies of teacher education: A call for a common language and collective activity. Journal of Teacher Education64(5), 378-386.

Teacher Education by Design. (2014). University of Washington College of Education.